Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Easy Chair

Here is another scanned Ilford FP4 negative from the Saskatchewan trip last June.  Like the others that I have recently posted, this one saw the film rated at 160iso and given N+1 Development in HC-110 Developer.
This shot, like the cash register, was taken on that really windy day.  We were forced to try and seek shelter that day, and managed to find some subjects to shoot that were indoors.  This old chair and the rest of the assorted junk were found like this, inside an abandoned building in southern Saskatchewan.
I shot this on June 16th at about 3:45 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a Schneider 110mm lens, with no filter.  Light levels were really low and I had to use a long 32 second exposure to allow for an aperture of F16.0 to hold focus.

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