Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Val Marie Convent

This is another scan from the recent trip to Saskatchewan.  This negative was one of the 4x5 sheets of llford HP5 that I recently processed.  The film was rated at 320 iso and developed in 510 Pyro Developer, 1:100, for 7:25 minutes at 24C.
This building in Val Marie Saskatchewan was formerly a convent.  It is now privately owned and has been converted to a Bed and Breakfast.  I thought the old convent sign out by the gate provided an interesting perspective on this historic structure.
I shot this on June 15th at about 2:00 in the afternoon.  I used by Ebony view camera and a Schneider 135mm lens.  No filter was used.  The lens had to be stopped way down to F58.0 to hold depth of field from near to far.  This resulted in a shutter speed of 1/8 second.

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