Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Church and Gate

This is one of the first sheets of film that I developed from the recent Saskatchewan trip.  We found this old church and gate on our way to Grasslands National Park.
This was a sheet of Ilford HP5 film, rated at 320 iso.  I developed this in 510 Pyro Developer, 1:100, for 7:24 minutes, at 24C.  I shot this on June 13th at about 7:30 in the evening.  I used my Ebony view camera and a long-ish 240mm lens.  A #8 yellow filter was added to increase contrast a little, and create some separation in the sky.  I had to stop the lens way down to F36.0 in order to have enough depth of field to hold both the gate and the church in focus.  The shutter speed was 1/15 second.  I'm quite happy with this shot and will consider it for my Apparitions project.

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