Thursday, July 25, 2024

Blackstone Pebbles

This is another scan from the batch of 4" x 5" Ilford FP4, given N+1 Development in HC-110 Developer.  This is the second image from the batch that was taken before the trip to Saskatchewan.  All the rest of the images were taken more recently, and I will share those in some upcoming posts.
This detail shot is of some river rocks along the gravel bars of the Blackstone River.  This was taken at the spot where the Forestry Trunk Road crosses the river.
I took this shot on June 2nd at about 4:00 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a long Fujinon 300mm lens.  I had to add an extension factor when I calculated the exposure to compensate for the long bellows draw required to focus this closely.  I stopped the lens way down to F64.0 in an attempt to secure depth of field and this resulted in a long exposure of 1/4 second.  
This camera and lens combination was purchased from my friend Rob Michiel, when he retired from large format shooting a year ago.  I keep that camera out at the cottage all the time, so I don't have to drag gear back and forth every time I go out.  I just bring my tripod and some film holders.

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