Saturday, July 20, 2024

Gail and Lawson - BP 15.0 - Fife Lake Hotel

These are scans of two more negatives from the recent Saskatchewan trip.  Chris and I visited the Fife Lake Hotel as part of the Beer Parlour Project.  These photographs are of the owners, Gail and Lawson, who have been operating the hotel for 50 years.  They were very gracious hosts, and made us feel very welcome during our visit.
These two photographs were taken on 4" x 5" sheet film... Kodak T-Max 400, rated at 1600iso and push processed in Kodak T-Max Developer, 1:4, for 8:20 minutes, at 24C.
I shot these with my Ebony view camera and a Nikkor 150mm lens.  The first portrait of Gail, was taken on June 18th at around 9:00PM.  The second one of Gail and her husband Lawson, was taken earlier that same evening, at around 6:30PM. 
Given the typical low light levels in a tavern I had to use a rather slow shutter speed... 1/2 second for both images.  This allowed me to stop the lens down a little, to F13.0 for the first image and F11.0 for the second.  Gail and Lawson did a great job of holding still for me, and there is no motion overly evident despite the long exposure.

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