Saturday, July 27, 2024

One Hundred Ten Dollars and Ten Cents

This is a scan of another 4" x 5" negative from the recent Saskatchewan trip.  This is part of the batch of Ilford FP4+, rated at 160 iso, and given N+1 Development in Kodak HC110 developer, Dilution B, for 14:20 minutes at 20C.
I found this old cash register in an abandoned store, in southwestern Saskatchewan.  It seems the last sale was for $110.10....?  A rather large amount back in the day so it seems more likely someone was just messing around with it.
I shot this image on June 16th at about 3:30 in the afternoon.  It was a brisk and windy day and shooting outdoors was challenging.  This location was a bit of a relief as it allowed us to get out of the miserable wind for a while.
The exposure was at an aperture of F14.0 but due to the low light levels inside the building, a long shutter speed of 16 seconds was necessary.

I shot this with my Ebony view camera and a Nikkor 150mm lens, with no filter.  The exposure was at an aperture of F14.0, but because of the low light indoors, a long shutter speed of 16 seconds was necessary.

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