Sunday, July 28, 2024

Old Playground

This old playground in Kelstern appears long forgotten.  There was one abandoned building nearby that looked like an old store of some sort.  A pretty stark reminder of days gone by and the kids that once played here are probably now living on pension income.  I think this one may work for the Apparitions project.
This is another sheet from the batch of Ilford FP4+ given N+1 development in HC-110 Developer.  Although the plus development brought up the tonality in the old wood, it may have blown out the overcast sky.  I have another negative taken at the same time, that is not yet developed.  It remains to be seen which is better.
This one is also from the recent Saskatchewan trip and I shot this on June 17th at about 7:00 in the evening.  I used my Ebony SV45TU view camera and a wide-ish 110mm lens with no filter.  The exposure was F22.0 and a shutter speed of 1/8 second.

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