Monday, July 29, 2024

Thrown Hand

Yet another scan of yet another negative from the recent batch of FP4 shot during the Saskatchewan trip.  Once again, this batch of 4" x 5" sheet film was rated at 160 iso and given N+1 Development in Kodak HC-110 Developer, Dilution B, for 14:20 minutes at 20C.
On June 19th at about 1:30 in the afternoon Chris and I were exploring in a small town in southern Saskatchewan.  I ventured in to an old hotel, that had been abandoned for some time.  The doors and most of the windows were gone, and the interior was badly deteriorated.  In one of the rooms, that was getting some light from a north facing window opening, I found this old chair, and a scattered deck of cards.  It was like someone had thrown in their hand, tossed the chair to the side, and walked away from the card game.  At least that's the story that I tried to suggest when I composed this photo.  I think it might work for the Apparitions project....
I shot this with my Ebony SV45TU view camera and a slightly wide 110mm lens, with no filter.  In consideration of the low light conditions, and the need to hold depth of field, I used an exposure of F29.0 and a long shutter speed of 16 seconds.

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