Thursday, July 18, 2024


This is the last of the scans from the batch of Ilford HP5 4" x 5", rated at 320 iso and developed in 510 Pyro.  Development was at 1:100, for 7:25 minutes at 24C.
We found this old Pontiac... its a 1939 I think?... some distance away from Grasslands National Park.  It is so skewed and distorted it almosts looks like I shot it with a fisheye lens.  But the old car was just that bent and battered and in fact I shot it with my Ebony view camera and a lens of near normal focal lengths, my Schneider 135mm.  No filter was used.
I shot this on June 15th at about 1:00 in the afternoon.  The exposure was F29.0 and a shutter speed of 1/30 second.

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