Sunday, July 14, 2024

Swing Set

We found this old school in a small town in southern Saskatchewan.  It is privately owned, and being converted to a residence.  No one was around at the time of our visit so we just took a couple of photographs from the edge of the property.  This image would work well for our Apparitions project.
I have a second negative, not yet developed, which was taken at a slower shutter speed, with the swing moving.  I'm anxious to see that one too.
I shot this on Ilford HP5 film, rated at 320 iso and developed in 510 Pyro, 1:100, for 7:25 minutes at 24C.  I used my Ebony view camera and a wide-ish Schneider 110mm lens.  A #25 Red Filter deepened the value of the sky, and lightened the value of the brick.  I shot this on June 14th at about 10:45 in the morning.

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