Saturday, March 15, 2025

Crazy Hank

When we got our dog Hank, back in 2022 he was only about 8 weeks old.  When we first brought him home he had those tiny little baby teeth, like needles, and chewed on everything.  He made short work of the baseboards on every outside corner in our house.  He also chewed a few holes into a really nice area rug that we have in our living room.  But, after a few weeks he gave up on all that stuff.  There are only a few things that he will chew on now, and he leaves everything else alone... thankfully!
He loves cardboard boxes, particularly the ones that beer, coolers and pop comes in.  Whenever he gets one he drags it around the house, thrashing about, and bashing into everything.  He doesn't quit until it is ripped to shreds.  Sometimes, if there's still a couple cans left in the box, that doesn't really stop him, and he still drags the box around the house, the cans rolling about behind him.  He has no interest in the cans, only the box.
He also loves plastic water bottles and chews them to shreds.  He'll even go so far as to dig them out of our recycle bin.  On more than one occasion, Margarit and I have been awakened by him suddenly starting to crunch one of these bottles in the middle of the night.  You'd think that hard crunchy plastic would hurt his gums, but it doesn't seem to bother him.
The only other thing he will touch, now that he has grown up a little and is almost three years old, is his dog toys.  But he makes short work of those.  Even the ones that are guaranteed to be indestructible, only last him a day or two at best before they are torn to shreds.  But he does continue to play with the shreds... at least until a new toy, or a box, or a water bottle comes along.

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