I'm returning to work on my Photo Album project and reviewing and editing my scans from my three trips down to Utah. This image if from the first trip in 2013, with my friends Rob and Brad.
This image was taken on our second day of exploring, following our arrival in Kanab. This detail shot was taken along the upper reaches of Buckskin Gulch, in the Vermillion Cliffs National Monument. This area is just off of the House Rock Valley Road. Most of the time these washes and gulches are dry. But when there is heavy rain, all the water from the highlands of the Paria Plateau, rushes down through this area and eventually drain into the Colorado River. Flash floods are apparently a serious concern, although they don't happen all that often. It remained dry during our visit to the area.
I shot this on a sheet of Kodak Tri-X Pan 320 film. The film was rated at 400 iso and given Plus Development in PMK Developer. Development time was for 16:40 minutes at 20C on my Jobo Processor. I took this shot on October 15th 2013, at about 1:00 in the afternoon. I used my Ebony view camera and a slightly long Nikkor 200mm lens. A #58 Green filter was used in the hope that it would provide some separation in the red tones of the sandstone. The exposure was for 1/15 second at F22.0.
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