Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Twenty Three Years

I didn't even realize it until after 9:00 PM....  June 23rd was Margarit and my 23rd Anniversary.  I immediately contacted her and wished her a Happy Anniversary.  I probably should have been in trouble for being away in Nordegg on our anniversary, and then almost forgetting about it.  It seems she had forgotten about it as well.  It turns out that we both celebrated the day independently, by taking a load of garbage to the dump.  How romantic is that...?!  Obviously we will have to celebrate and go out for dinner together when I return to the city in a couple of days.
This is a family portrait we had taken by a local pro photographer back around 2010.  Seems like forever ago that the girls were that young.  Helena would have been about two in this photo; Anna about five and Hailey about eight.  The twenty three years has just flown by in the blink of an eye.

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