Friday, July 26, 2024

J Kluzak

This scan, and the next ones coming up over the next several days, were all from the June trip to Saskatchewan.  These are all from the batch of 4" x 5" Ilford FP4 that I recently processed.  These were rated at 160 iso and given N+1 Development in Kodak HC-110 Developer, Dilution B, for 14:20 minutes at 20C.  
The NHL hockey player Gord Kluzak is from Climax, Saskatchewan.  We found this old truck in his home town.  Canuck is a town nearby, and the owner of this truck was probably related.
I shot this on June 13th at about 2:30 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a wide 80mm lens, with no filter.  I stopped the lens down to F41.0 to hold depth of field, which resulted in a shutter speed of 1/8 second.

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