Saturday, July 13, 2024

Old House Panorama

Now I am starting to post some of the first developed negatives from the recent trip to southern Saskatchewan.  There will be a handful more in the coming days.  And later, once I develop more of the film, I will continue.
This is a cropped 4"x5" large format negative.  I composed the image with the intention of cropping it to panoramic proportions.  We shot this old house from the road, as we did not have permission to enter the property, and did not do so.
This was Ilford HP5 film rated at 320 iso and developed in 510 Pyro, 1:100, for 7:25 at 24C.  I shot this with my Ebony view camera and a Schneider 135mm lens.  A #25 Red Filter increased contrast and created some separation in the sky.  I shot this on June 13th at about 3:00 in the afternoon.

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