Thursday, August 1, 2024

Stone House

This is the last of the Saskatchewan images, from the recent batch of FP4.  These sheets of 4" x 5" large format film were all rated at 160iso and given N+1 Development in Kodak HC-110 Developer.  This combination of slight underexposure and significant overdevelopment, brings up the contrast in subjects that exhibit a short tonal range.
We found this house early on in our travels in Saskatchewan but didn't initially have time to stop and shoot it, as we were on the way to one of our Beer Parlour Project outings.  Near the end of our trip Chris and I made a return visit.  A heavy shower rolled through as we were on our way there, but by the time we arrived, the shower had just passed.
I'm a little bit unsure about that streak of light on the left edge.  I might have been a shaft of sunlight breaking through the clouds, but it seems more likely it was some sort of lens flare or light leak.  Perhaps it was divine intervention, as the original builder of this stone house was a priest that served a nearby Orthodox Catholic Church.
I shot this image on June 19th at about 5:45 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a wide-ish Schneider 110mm lens, with a #22 Orange Filter.  The exposure was F20.0 and a shutter speed of 1/15 second.

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