Tuesday, August 6, 2024

New Game Camera

My old game camera finally gave up.  Earlier this spring it just stopped working.  So I bought a new one, and I'm not sure if I really like it.  So far it has only captured a little over 50 images, so we will see how it goes.  This one seems to have a wider lens, so there will not be as much detail.  Like my old camera it takes color pictures in daylight, and at night it captures black and white images with infrared.  It has a solar panel and charges itself, so there is no need to keep replacing batteries, as with the old one.  It remains to be seen how well it holds a charge with the short daylight hours and cold temperatures of winter.
I haven't seen an elk around our place for several years now, but apparently they still come around, at least at night.  And the red fox remains a regular visitor.

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