Monday, August 19, 2024

Military Wreck

This is another scan from the batch of Ilford FP4 film that I developed in HC-110.  This is the batch that I gave plus development.  The film was rated at 160 iso, and developed for 14:20 minutes.
This is yet another image from the trip to Saskatchewan back in June.  Chris and I explored a wrecking yard in the town of Wood Mountain.  We got permission from the owner, and wandered around among all the scrap iron for a couple of hours, and photographed some of the treasures.
I shot this on June 19th at about 3:45 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a 135mm lens.  This only military vehicle was fascinating.  It has a Saskatchewan license plate dated 1959, and was manufactured by Ford.

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