Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hanging around Nordegg

Margarit headed back to the city on Tuesday August 20th in the afternoon.  Chris and Connie hung around long enough to do the tour of the Nordegg Mine Site.  After that we went for a beer and a bite to eat at the Fireside Lounge in the Nordegg Motel.  Then they also hit the road for home.  That left me out at Nordegg all by myself... just the way I like it...!
I played golf three times, and on the last round I shot my best ever score on the 9-hole Historic Nordegg Course... a 39.  First time I broke 40 on the par 32 course.  I also shoveled a couple of yards of gravel that my contractor Scott left piled up for me.  This got spread around our firepit, and also on the trail between the main cottage, and the guest cottage.
Then I built a platform for the landing in front of the entry to the guest cottage.  I need to pick up more materials in order to finish this, next time I go out.  Then I assembled and painted the two upper cupboards that I previously started for the guest cottage.  They are complete except for the sliding doors of the main compartments.  I'll finish that up next time as well, and then hang them up.
I ended up staying out at Nordegg for 13 days this time.  Initially with a crowd of friends and family around, and then by myself at the end.  I'm back in the city now, catching up on some chores at home, but looking forward to getting back out to the mountains.

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