Monday, August 12, 2024

The Beer Parlor Project - BP 14.0 Cadillac Hotel

I just processed a batch of film that included eighteen 4" x 5" negatives from various Beer Parlour Project outings.  I will be sharing some of those here over the coming days.  This was Ilford HP5 film, rated at 1600iso and developed for 30:00 minutes in 510 Pyro Developer.  Needless to say the long development time is rather tedious...!  I spent over two hours standing in my darkroom, in total darkness, running three batches of film on film hangers, through the various tanks of the process.
This shot was taken at the Cadillac Hotel back on Jun 15th.  This is Johanny, the waitress in the tavern, being interviewed by my colleague Chris Doering.
Stay tuned for the details on some upcoming Beer Parlour Project outings.  We plan to be at the Grand Hotel in Rimbey, Alberta on Friday August 16, and possibly the Eckville Hotel a day or two later.  More to follow...

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