Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Beer Parlour Project - BP 14 Cadillac Hotel

This is a scan of another negative from the Beer Parlour Project.  This was from a batch of Ilford HP5 4" x 5" sheet film, rated at 1600iso.  This batch was developed in 510 Pyro Developer, 1:100, for 30:00 minutes at 24C.
Chris and I were exploring in southern Saskatchewan back in June.  We were just on a general exploring mission, taking photographs, but also visiting a few venues for the Beer Parlour Project.  One of those was at the Cadillac Hotel.  We were staying in Cadillac, and the hotel was just down the street, so we popped in on more the one occasion.  The night of our official visit was June 15th, and this shot was taken at about 6:30 that evening.  That visit shall now live on in perpetuity as BP 14.0.  This is a portrait of Allison, who manages the tavern.  The suites in the upper part of the hotel were in the process of being renovated to short term rentals.  So the hotel and restaurant were on the only revenue generating parts of the operation, at the time of our visit.
I shot this negative with my Ebony view camera and a Nikkor 210mm lens.  The exposure was F10.0 and the shutter speed was 1/2 second.

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