Thursday, June 13, 2024


This is a scan of a negative that I recently developed.  This was taken last summer, when we booked a private tour of the Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic site.  Arturo and I were shooting there, hoping to capture some images for our Apparitions project.
This photograph was taken on June 17th 2023, at about 2:15 in the afternoon.  It was a 4" x 5" sheet of Ilford FP4, rated at 100 iso and developed in Ilford Perceptol Developer, 1:1, for 11:15 minutes at 24C.  This was developed using my old Jobo Processor, shortly before the motor died.
These lockers were in the gasoline production building.  I used my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Schneider 135mm lens.  The exposure was F20.0 and a shutter speed of 1/8 second.

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