Thursday, June 27, 2024

Beer Parlour Project - Cadillac Hotel - BP 14.0

On the evening of June 15th Chris and I visited the Cadillac Hotel.  I didn't really take many snapshots with my phone, so only have a couple to share here.  But I did shoot quite a bit with both my view camera, and my 35mm film cameras.  Once I get around to processing all the film, I will have more images to share.
The volunteer mayor of Cadillac is a regular and seems to have a permanent chair at the bar.  We joked with the staff that they should put his name on the chair and hold the council meetings there.  Unfortunately the owners of the hotel were away at the time of our visit.  But the staff were really friendly and really accommodating.   We really enjoyed our visit and I'm confident this chapter of the BP project will yield some great images.
A shower rolled through briefly while we were in the tavern, but when it cleared off it graced us with beautiful clear evening light, and a wonderful rainbow.

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