Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Boeing 737

I processed and scanned this sheet of film earlier this year.  Arturo and I were out exploring last summer, looking for subject matter for the Apparitions project.  We drove around up at the Villeneuve Airport and spotted this abandoned Boeing 737, sporting old Pacific Western colors.  We couldn't get very close to it, but managed to get this shot from a nearby road.
I shot this on August 11th 2023, just before noon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a long Fujinon 240mm lens.  A #25 Red Filter was used to pump up the contrast and deepen the value of the sky.  This was a 4" x 5" sheet of Ilford HP5 film, rated at 320 iso and developed for 7:25 minutes, at 24C, in 510 Pyro developer, 1:100.  The exposure was F20.0 and a shutter speed of 1/15 second.

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