Wednesday, June 5, 2024

For The Rock

On Monday June 3rd I packed up in Nordegg and headed back to the city.  One of the things I did was load up all my scaffold.  I no longer need this at the cottage, and the guys at Dinosaur Valley Studios in East Coulee regularly have use for it.  So it will end up at the shop, and if I ever need to use it again, I can just pick it up from there.
On Tuesday June 4th Margarit had to go in for some minor surgery.  That all went well and she is back home resting.  I worked on finishing up some small prints for The Rock.  Hailey suggested that they need more smaller and inexpensive items to offer up for sale.  So I made contact prints of a bunch of my 4" x 5" negatives.  Some got dry mounted onto art cards, and a select few were put into small frames.  These will end up down at The Rock, in East Coulee.
On Wednesday June 5th I met up with Frank in Wetaskiwin.  That saved him a drive all the way into the city, and wasn't very far out of the way for me.  I passed along the art cards and small frames for him to drop off at The Rock.. Then we transferred all the scaffold parts from my truck to his.  We had lunch and a shareholders meeting before we both went off in our separate directions.

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