Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saskatchewan Trip

On the morning of June 12 I hit the road bright and early.  I headed south to Calgary and picked up my friend Chris.  Then we headed east for Saskatchewan.  We had a rental house lined up and planned for a week of exploring and photography.  We would have seven days of shooting, plus two driving days... to get there and back...
I was working on two projects...  Partly I wanted to take some photographs for the Apparitions project.  This is the project that I am collaborating with my friend Arturo on.  These will be images that show a human presence, without any people visible.  With the recent award of the Edmonton Arts Foundation grant we need to see this project through.  This will be the last season of shooting for the project, and we need to have our exhibition prints ready by the beginning of 2025.
Of course Chris and I are also collaborating on the Beer Parlour Project, and we have several Saskatchewan venues lined up for a visit.  We expected that there would be a lot of small town hotels for us to explore.  Sadly there were fewer than expected as many of them have closed down in recent years.
Over the coming days I will post all of the snapshots that I took with my phone as we traveled about the province.  Then later, when I get around to processing all the film that I shot, I will round out the presentation with scans of some of the negatives.
Here is a little taste of the type of subject matter that we found along the way....

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