Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Saskatchewan Trip - Day 3

On June 15th Chris and I did not have a lot of time for exploring.  We had a beer parlour outing booked in the evening, so we only had time to get out for part of the day.  We ended up heading over to Grasslands National Park, and the town of Val Marie.  
June 15th is also Hank's second birthday.  I miss that little mutt of ours and look forward to seeing him when I return back to Edmonton in a few days.
We found an old abandoned car beside the road and took a bunch of photographs.  I believe it is a 1939 Pontiac, but have not yet been able to confirm that.
We took a drive into Grasslands National Park and on the road in to the Two Trees picnic area we came upon a large prairie rattlesnake on the road.  We approached it fairly closely... to within about six feet... and managed to get some photos.  The snake was getting a little wary, but never became agitated enough to actually start rattling.  Eventually it just slithered away into the grass.  It was one of the largest rattlesnakes that I have ever seen.  At least two inches in diameter, and between four and five feet long stretched out.
There were a few trees at the picnic site and a family of Great Horned Owls were there.  I wasn't able to get any reasonable snapshots with my phone, but Chris took some photos with his digital camera.
In the late morning and early afternoon we wandered some backroads and took a few other snapshots.  We found a fence piled with tumbleweeds and an old house that were interesting.  We also made a stop in the town of Val Marie and photographed the old convent, that is now converted to a Bed and Breakfast.
By late afternoon we made our way over to Cadillac and prepared for another episode of the Beer Parlour Project, at the Cadillac Hotel.

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