Monday, June 24, 2024

Saskatchewan Trip - Day 2

June 14th was day two of our Saskatchewan trip.  Chris and I headed out right after coffee and breakfast.  This time we headed out to the southeast.  
We stopped in every little town that we came across and managed to photograph a lot of interesting subjects.  There were schools, churches, businesses and all sorts of old stuff.
We scouted a couple more old hotels for the Beer Parlour project but didn't come up with anything that was a really great fit.  We were surprised to learn that the hotels in many small towns no longer exist.  Many of those that were still standing are closed, or have been taken over as residences, or converted to some other use.
There was an old hardware store, Harpers, in the town of Kincaid, that is now a museum.  It looked really interesting and there was a lot of cool stuff inside, but sadly it was closed at the time of our visit.
We did come across an old implement dealership that was very interesting.  Looking in through the windows we could see that it was still full of stuff.  We asked at the local post office and got a name and phone number for the owner.  We planned to make arrangements to return later in the trip.
Many of the old buildings have ghost signs.  Some are obvious, but others are really difficult to make out.  I might be able to enhance some of the snapshots a little bit with Photoshop and perhaps make out what they once said.
By mid afternoon we arrived at the former Delaney Hotel in Limerick.  This location was pre-arranged as one of the stops for the Beer Parlour Project.  See my next post for a write up on how that went.  By the time we finished up there and got back to our base, it was nearly midnight.  This made for a very long day, and Chris and I were pretty exhausted by the time we were done.

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