Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Limber Pine

This is another of the negatives that I developed and scanned earlier this spring.  Hailey and I were out for a drive from the cottage, and headed west as far as the Spreading Creek Burn, near the Banff National Park boundary.  This one Limber Pine was spared as the forest fire swept through the area, some years ago.  Every time I drive by I marvel at this solitary living tree amongst all the devastation. 
I took this shot on September 30th 2023, at about 4:45 in the afternoon.  The longest lens I had with me, for my Ebony view camera, was a 300mm Fujinon.  So I used that, and added a yellow filter to try and bring up the value of the foreground aspens that were in fall color.  This scan is cropped in somewhat from the full negative, as I could have used a longer lens, had a brought one with me.
This was Ilford Delta 100, rated at 100 iso and given Normal development in PMK developer.  I ran this on my Jobo processor for 11:45 minutes at 20C.  The exposure was F16.0 and a shutter speed of 1/8 second.

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