Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Blackstone and Hockey

After I put my drone away, I got out my view camera and went for a walk down on the gravel bars along the Blackstone River.  I set the camera up a couple of times and took a some photographs.  The rocks here are really cool as there are a lot of fossils... mostly old marine stuff dating back to way before the dinosaurs.  I was the only person around and other than a few passing vehicles, I saw no one.  I did see a Red Fox, and a couple of Mule Deer along the trunk road on my way back to the cottage.  Muley's have become rather unusual and I don't see them very often.  White Tailed Deer seem to have taken over most of the habitat in the front ranges.  It was a very pleasant way to spend part of my afternoon and I really enjoyed the solitude.  
I made it back to the cottage in time to put some wings on the grill and then watch the Oilers game on TV.  This was Game Six of the Western Conference final and the Edmonton Oilers defeated the Dallas Stars to advance to the Stanley Cup Final.  The Oilers lost to Carolina back in 2006, the last time they made it to the final.  The Oilers last won the Stanley Cup way back in 1990, and the last time a Canadian Team did it was the Montreal Canadiens in 1993.

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