Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hazel - BP 9.1

Since I've retired, I try to post something to my blog almost every day.  In recent weeks I have been kind of lazy.  I haven't been out on any photography outings, and I haven't done any work in my darkroom.  Mostly I've just been catching up on a few chores, watching playoff hockey, and playing a little hockey with my beer league team.  I've kind of run out of new content to post here on my blog.
So, I dug back into all the images that I scanned early this year, and found a few that I don't believe I have yet posted.  I will be posting some of those in the coming days, and then hopefully will have some new material after that.
This shot dates back to early February, and the film was developed in late April.  This is a shot from the Beer Parlour Project outing number BP9.1.  This is Hazel, a retired waitress from the Victoria Hotel in Bruderheim.  I took her portrait on February 3rd at about 4:00 in the afternoon, utilizing only window light.  I shot this with my Ebony view camera and a 210mm lens.  The film was Kodak T-Max 400, pushed to 1600 iso.  The exposure was F9.5 and a shutter speed of 1/8 second.  Development was for 8:20 minutes, in T-Max Developer, 1:4 at 24C.

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