Thursday, June 27, 2024

Saskatchewan Trip - Day 4

On Sunday June 16th, Father's Day, Chris and I awoke at the rental apartment to an overcast and a very blustery day.  One of my daughter's remembered to text me with Father's Day wishes....
It looked as if it was going to be a day that was very challenging for photography... and it certainly was.  The winds were gusting to the point that setting up the big camera was an issue.  But we ventured out anyway, and made the best of it.  We headed west from our base and explored for the entire day.  It was a day with a lot of driving, and lot of quick stops.  In most places we managed to find enough shelter to set up the camera, and it actually proved to be one of our more productive days.  By late evening the wind died down quite a bit, and the skies began to clear.  
I'd have to write a book to describe our route and all the places that we stopped so I will just let the phone snapshots speak for themselves.  There's also a short video clip that illustrates just how bad the wind was on this day.

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