Saturday, June 15, 2024

Medicine Lake

This scan of a recently processed negative is from the Monochrome Guild's Fall Photo Weekend 2023 in Jasper National Park.
This shot was taken on 4" x 5" Rollei Infrared Film.  I rated the film at 25 iso and processed it in Kodak T-Max developer, 1:6, for 11:00 minutes at 22C.  This film is rather difficult to load and handle as the plastic base is very thin.  I liken it to trying to insert a sheet of toilet paper into a film holder, in total darkness.  I don't shoot it all that often because it is so cumbersome, but results like this suggest that I should attempt it more often.
I shot this on November 12th 2023 at about 10:45 in the morning.  This shot was taken with my Ebony view camera and a Schneider 135mm lens.  A #25 Red filter is needed with infrared film to eliminate much of the visible light, and allow the film to be exposed more by the infrared wavelengths.  Alternatively an infrared filter can be used. then all visible light is eliminated and the film is exposed solely by infrared.  I prefer the look of this one shot with the red filter and exposure by a mix of wavelengths.  The exposure for this one was F36.0 and a shutter speed of 1/4 second.

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