Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Final Push

I headed out to Nordegg on Friday December 15th.  The last time that I was out, in the last third of November, we received about six inches of snow.  In the weeks since then, it mostly melted.  But then there was a dump of fresh snow on the evening of December 14th.  That snow missed the city of Edmonton, so we still have virtually no snow at home.  But the eastern slopes and south central Alberta got quite a bit of snow.  It was heaviest from about Rimbey to Rocky Mountain House and west to Saunders Ridge.  As I got closer to Nordegg the snow accumulation was less.
I'm out for a few days before Christmas to try to finish up the last of the construction work in the guest cottage.  The rest of the family all stayed home in the city to try and prepare for the upcoming holidays.
After I arrived on the evening of the 15th it got quite windy and the temperature rose to about +6 overnight.  It cooled off a bit in the early morning hours but on Friday the 16th it was mostly sunny and again warmed up to around +6.  By the end of the day a lot of the new snow had melted.
I spent the day working in the guest cottage.  I got almost all of the remaining trim installed.  Casing around three doors, corner trim in the living room and bedroom, and most of the baseboard.  There only remains baseboard on the one long wall in the living room... but I need to move a bunch of junk out of the way in order to install this...   And one piece of corner trim in the kitchen above the backsplash.  I may actually leave this off for a while longer until I figure out if I will be adding any upper shelves in the kitchen.
I have the two doors for the bedrooms that need to be hung, and then finish the ceramic tile backsplash in the kitchen and the bathroom.  After that it will just be the big cleanup that remains....

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