Monday, April 19, 2021

Wheat Field and Old Yard

This photograph was taken over a decade ago, in September of 2010.  It was one of the sheets of large format 8x10 film, that was laying around in my cabinet, waiting to be processed.  Shortly after I officially retired, at the end of 2020, I dove into that backlog of film and processed all of the old stuff.  This one was taken near the town of St. Michael, in Lamont County.  The stately old farmhouse was torn down a few years ago, and no longer exists.  I like the way it was perched on a bit of rise and had an overview of the wheat field that swept down and away, towards a nearby creek.  I'm glad that I managed to take a decent photograph of it before it disappeared for good.  This was taken on Kodak Tri-X Pan 320 film with my Sinar P 8x10 view camera.  I used a Nikkor 300mm lens, which is equal to a 50mm focal length in 135 film format, or full frame digital.  I used a yellow filter to brighten up the ripe grain field a little, and to create some separation in the sky.  The film was processed in PMK, a staining pyro developer, as I wanted to hold some printable detail in the high sky values.  I gave plus development to bump up the contrast a bit, as the light was actually quite flat.  Excluding the sky, there was only four stops difference between the lowest values on the buildings and the trees, and the brightest highlights on the foreground wheat.  This is one that I definitely want to print in the darkroom, perhaps by some alternative process.

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