Friday, September 13, 2024

Stripping Shovel - Foma Retropan 320 Soft

I had one old negative from 2022 that was shot on Foma Retropan 320 Soft.  I really wanted to process that film as it was my last unprocessed image from 2022.  So I made a point of shooting a little more of this film, so that I could fill up the batch and run it.  Sadly that old shot from 2022 didn't turn out very well so I have not included it here with any of these scans of recently processed negatives.  I processed the film in Ilford Microphen Developer, 1:1, for 15:00 minutes at 24C.  This more recent shot was taken during our second visit to the Reynolds Alberta Museum.  This gigantic stripping shovel was part of an outdoor display and is essentially unrestored.  I'm not thrilled with the way that this film and developer combination rendered the subject that was under harsh summer sun.  I don't like the way the steel of the boom merges right into the sky in that ugly primer-grey tone.  I can think of numerous other film/developer combinations that would have looked much better.  
This photograph was taken on July 5th of 2024 at about 1:45 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a wide Rodenstock 90mm lens.  The exposure was F16.0 and a shutter speed of 1/60 second.

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