Monday, September 16, 2024

To Nordegg Again

On Saturday September 7th, the day after my middle daughter Annelise's 19th birthday, I headed back out to Nordegg.  Anna has decided that she wants to legally change her name.  She will retain Annelise as a middle name, but her new first name will become Ryan.  I try to remember, and call her that as much as I can.  It has become increasingly significant to her, as her boyfriend Braeden, who is now living with us in Edmonton, only knows her as Ryan.
I didn't get out to the cottage until late in the day on Saturday.  Mostly I just unloaded all the supplies that I brought out, and then finished up the repairs to the outside water tap.  I was missing one fitting the last time I was out, so this was a quick and easy fix.  I also checked all the breakers.  The power company had shut off the electricity a couple of times while we were away.  When they turned it back on, a couple of breakers in each cottage had popped.  Fortunately the ones that our fridges were plugged into were not affected.  But I did lose power to the thermostats, the security cameras, and the weather station.  I got everything back up and running, reset all the clocks, and turned in early.  On Sunday morning I was up at first light, and after coffee and breakfast I set to work.  I got the composite decking all cut and fitted and installed on the landing that I previously constructed at the guest cottage.  I also got the stairs built and installed.  I continued with installation of the railings, up until about 3:30 in the afternoon.  Then I took a break and went and played a round of golf.  The course was not particularly busy, as most of the weekend people were gone, or in the process of heading back to the city.  I shot a score of 40... my second best of the season.

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