Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Saskatchewan... Later the 1st Day, 2nd Visit

We passed through Instow, Shaunovan, Eastend, Creighton, Admiril, Ravenscrag, Robsart, and a number of other small places on the afternoon of our first day exploring in western Saskatchewan.  We made a bunch of stops along the way and took photographs as we went.  We had lunch in Eastend at Jack's Cafe, but never did make it over to the T-Rex Discovery Center.  I'm not sure if it was even open, this late in the season.  There certainly weren't very many tourists around, which is exactly why we chose this time of year.
We saw a badger, numerous pronghorn antelope, and lots of birds.  Birds included mourning doves, sharptail grouse, bald eagles, turkey vultures, canada geese, swainson's hawks, the list goes on.
In one of the old houses we explored, it appeared that an elderly person had passed away, and all their stuff was just piled in a heap and left behind.  There was still rotten food in the fridge and the freezer, family photos, photo albums, clothes, and all sorts of household stuff.  It was interesting in that this person used the walls and the fridge as a note pad and there were all sorts of phone numbers and shopping lists scribbled all over everything.

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