Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Back to the Coal Mine

A few days after my private tour of the Nordegg Historic Site I was graciously given return access to the mine.  I only had about half a day this time, and only made it as far as the Blacksmith shop and the warehouse, before I ran out of film.  But I shot a whole bunch of detail stuff, and I think I came away with some strong images.  
One of the things that I noticed, was in the Blacksmith shop.  This was a timber, cemented into the floor, with a steel form on top of it.  This was obviously used to forge bumpers for the mine cars.  There were some discarded bumpers on the floor beside the form.  And not far away was a mine car, fitted with some bumpers, and this made the story quite obvious.  I've included a couple of snapshots below that illustrate this.
I can't stress strongly enough that this Historic Site is being protected for the enjoyment of all.  Access to the site is by guided tour only.  I was permitted access to photograph the site, on two occasions now, but there were staff and tour guides with me, or in close proximity., both times.
After I wrapped things up at the Historic site, I went over to the golf course and played a round.  I ended up shooting a 39 on the par 32 course... my best score ever.
After that I headed across the road to the lounge at the Nordegg Lodge and had a burger and a couple of beers.  
After that I had to stop with all the play activities and get to work.  I went back to the cottage and did the dishes and started cleaning up.  The next morning, August 27th, I had to return to the city after spending almost two weeks in Nordegg.

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