Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nomad - Foma Retropan 320 Soft

Back to another scan from the recent batch of Foma Retropan 320 Soft.   In June Arturo and I paid a visit to the Reynolds Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin.  We were hoping to find some subject matter that might be suited to our Apparitions project.  There was lots of stuff there, and we spent the entire day taking pictures.  The shots of restored vehicles and machinery, such as this shot of a 1955 Chevy Nomad Station Wagon, were difficult to take.  We had to get in tight for detail shots so that we did not show interpretive panels and background displays in the image.  I took this photograph on June 9th 2024 at about 1:00 in the afternoon.  This one turned out pretty well and the grain and softness of this film, developed in Microphen 1:1 for 15:00 minutes at 24C, has a rather unique mood.  I used my Ebony view camera and a long Fujinon 250mm lens.  The exposure was F13.0 and a shutter speed of 16 seconds.  Good thing the car didn't move during that long exposure...!

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