Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Tribe comes to Visit

I say this because Tribe is Margarit's maiden name.  Her sister Natalia came to visit from Washington at the end of August.  We talked her into joining us out at Nordegg for the Labor Day Long weekend.  Their brother Shawn also came out... with his girlfriend Lisa.  Anna came along with us, but the other two girls decided to stay behind in the city.  This was the first time that Hank came out to Nordegg, and he really enjoyed being outdoors.
Shawn and Lisa were the first to spend a night in the guest cottage... though they had to set up in the middle of a construction zone.  I made a little space right in the middle of the living room for them to put out an air mattress.  The rest of the cottage was jammed full of materials and tools and I even worked out there a little bit while they visited.  In between visiting I puttered away at splitting some firewood and finishing yet more of the aspen paneling.
Nordegg Days were scheduled on the Labor Day Long Weekend this year, rather than on the August Long Weekend as they had done in the past.  There were a whole bunch of events going on and it was very busy in town, and in the subdivision.  The only event that I attended was a Perogie Making Workshop on the morning of Saturday September 3rd.  Other events included a Silent Auction, a Golf Tournament, some bands playing, the Pie Eating Contest, and a Perogie Supper.  We stayed away from town for all of those events, but Shawn and Lisa did join me at the Perogie workshop.
On Sunday we took a drive up to Blackstone.  Everyone really enjoyed it, including Hank.  It was quite hot all weekend, with day time highs in the 30's so it was nice to sit by the cool river and dangle our toes in and cool off.
When Margarit and I were down in Drumheller after the Rosie shoot a few weeks back we checked out the Antique Store.  There Margarit found an old pipe, and was really excited to buy it for her brother.  Shawn collects and restores old pipes, and we kind of played a joke on him by sending him a picture of it, and then telling him it sold before we could buy it.  But we actually did buy it and gave it to him as a belated birthday gift when everyone was together on the Long Weekend.
Margarit and Natalia had to leave on Labor Day Monday Morning at 1:00AM.  Natalia had to be at the airport in Edmonton to catch her flight at around 6:00AM.  But it was nice to spend a few days with her, and I'm sure she really valued the opportunity to catch up with family.  She also visited her Mom in long term care a few times.  This was the first time that all of us were able to get together since before Covid.
Shawn and Lisa left on Monday Morning at around 10:00AM and they took Anna back to Edmonton with them.  I stayed out at the cottage for a few more days, so that I could catch up on some work.

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