Monday, July 12, 2021

Bat House

I worked on a bat house in between helping Anna with her bunk bed project.  There was a cutting of 1/2" plywood left over from her bed, and I used it on the bat house.  I found some guidelines on line that suggested sizes and a basic design.  This one is roughly 2 feet square, and is supposed to be able to house around 50 bats.  
It was recommended that it be installed at the edge of a clearing.  It should be positioned about 10 to 15 feet above the ground.  The underside should be open with no branches of obstructions.  And it should face the southeast so that it gets the morning sun.  I understand that it can take up to a year for the bats to find it, but once they do, it should see continual use.  I'm hoping for the best....

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