Friday, July 23, 2021

Hanging Around the Cottage

Anna and I enjoyed a relaxed few days hanging around at the cottage.  We puttered away on a bunch of little chores and projects.  The rest of the pine seedlings got planted and watered in.  And we continued working on Anna's bunk bed.  Everything is now built, except for the final assembly.  That will have to be done back home in the city, when we set the bed up in her room.  We did continue with applying the lacquer finish to all of the parts.  That will take some time as everything needs two to three coats, and we don't have space to lay it all out at once.
My next door neighbor Dan is out with his daughter Arlette, and she has been commanding some of Anna's attention.  Arlette is about six years old and the two of them look pretty cute together.  I think Anna secretly likes getting the attention... at least in small doses.  They have been wandering around together and on Tuesday Dan took them over to Fish Lake to go swimming.
We went out for a few ATV rides, and one evening went fishing to the trout pond over by the Trunk Road.  There has not been any further work on our guest cottage as of Tuesday, but I understand that Scott and his crew are returning later in the week to waterproof the foundation and install the weeping tile.

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