Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Sunday Day Trip

After photographing the abandoned chemical plant, Arturo and I hit the backroads and went exploring.  We found a number of old abandoned farm yards, and stopped to photograph a couple of them.  This area seems to include a lot of old homesteads.  The landscape itself is quite visually interesting with rolling hills, small areas of trees, and open crop land.  We both agreed that this is an area worth another day trip to explore in further detail.
We did see a little wildlife while we were out and about.  When we went to check out an old barn, a Mule Deer buck, with his antlers in velvet, bolted out and took off into the bush.  Later, when we were photographing in an old shed, there was a very annoyed Robin.  Her nest was on the windowsill and she was very anxious about us being nearby.  We disturbed her a little in making a couple of photos, but never touched her nest and she promptly returned to it when we were done.  Near the end of the day I saw a large garter snake take off through the grass in an abandoned yard.  It was one of the biggest I have ever seen and was about 2-1/2 feet long and close to an inch in diameter.  Like the deer it was too quick for me to get a snapshot.

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