Saturday, April 2, 2022

Abraham Lake

On Friday April 1st... April Fool's Day... Margarit and Helena headed back to the city.  I had a load of building materials delivered out from the Co-op in Rocky Mountain House.  This included some 3/4" plywood and some baseboards.  The delivery truck showed up around 11:00AM and was able to set the lift of material right beside my door.
I temporarily stored the baseboard up on the small loft.  I set up my sawhorses and got out my circular saw and cut up all the plywood.  I am using this on the walls behind the kitchen cabinets and for backing behind the shower.  I used 3/4" material so that it matches the thickness of the aspen paneling that will butt up to it.  It might have been cheaper just to use aspen as the plywood is now running almost $100 per sheet.
Once everything was cut up I put my tools away and the took the afternoon off.  It was sunny and warm, but a little breezy.  Shawn and his girlfriend Lisa and I took a drive up to Abraham Lake.  As per usual, the light breeze became almost gale force winds by the time we got up to Windy Point.  Clouds were socked down into the valley and the light was very flat.  I never bothered to take out the big camera, but we had a great afternoon drive and did a little walking around.

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