Monday, November 21, 2022

The Failed Calendar

A couple of weeks ago I set about preparing the images for my 2023 calendar.  This year I decided I'd like to do a calendar in portrait format, as the last several I've done were in landscape.  I have a number of great images that I've accumulated over the past several years and this would be an opportunity to use them.
So I got all the files set up and put the images in proper order.  I spent the better part of a day in selecting the images and working with all the scans.  Then I went to the website of the printing company in Calgary that I've been using for the past six or seven years... only to find out that they were no longer in business.
So I went on line and starting looking for other printing companies that I could use.  To my dismay I could not find a single one that would economically print in portrait format.
So I was forced to start over and select images from my archive that were in landscape format.  Then I had to spend another day preparing all the scans.  The worst part was that the printers that I found that were able to print both economically and within a reasonable time frame, did not offer the ideal format.  The aspect ratio of my 4" x 5" negatives did not fit the calendar without some cropping.  At this late point in the season I really had no other option.  Next year I will be more prepared and will start on this process earlier in the fall.  I think I found a printer that offers a 12" x 12" calendar, and I could fit both landscape and portrait format images onto these pages using a background.  Of course this larger size is more costly so I will have to review my printing budget next year.
Below are the first four images that were intended for use on the calendar that was not to be....

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