Thursday, November 24, 2022

Apparitions Project - Workshop

The Apparitions project officially got underway in 2022.  My colleague Arturo Pianzola and I are working on this project together.  We intend to spend three years... 2022, 2023 and 2024... taking photographs for the project.  Basically we are taking photographs of things that people have left behind.  It is not simply a collection of photographs of old buildings, although those will be included too.  Mostly we intend to focus on the personal possessions and smaller things left behind, and let the viewers imagination come up with the stories behind them.  We may draw on a few older images to round out the project but it will be almost entirely new work.  To that end we are travelling quite extensively to build up a body of work.  We have been on numerous day trips around Alberta this year, plus spent a few days in Saskatchewan, and some time up around Nordegg.  Next year we hope to travel out to the west coast to gather some images with a marine flavor.
Sometime in 2024... or perhaps we will begin the process a little sooner... we will start submitting our images to our editor.  We are working with an editor in Argentina to publish a fine art photography book that will include about a hundred photographs, more or less equally representing both photographers.  The book is scheduled to go to print in 2025.  I already know that the editing process will become very challenging as there are already a lot of good photographs, and some just won't make the book.
In addition to the publishing project we also intend to put together a travelling gallery exhibition that will feature some of the photographs.  We hope that can start showing in 2024 and then be exhibited to coincide with the release of the book.  A rather grand plan to say they least but we are determined to see it through.  
Over the course of the next couple of years I will feature some of the images here on my blog.  These will be images that fit the theme, and will be submitted to the editor, but may not necessarily make it to the book or the exhibition.
This particular shot is an abandoned blacksmith shop in an old farm yard northeast of Edmonton.  This was taken in June of this year on Kodak Tri-X Pan 320 sheet film.  I shot it with my Ebony 4" x 5" view camera and a Fujinon 125mm lens.  Development was in PMK Developer.  This is one of the staining pyro developers that I quite like, and I'm generally pleased with this shot.  Both Arturo and I took numerous photographs at this site so we will see which if any make it to the final Apparitions project.

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