Friday, October 22, 2021

Blackmud Creek

It was a beautiful fall day in late September when my daughter Annelise and I went for a walk in nearby Blackmud ravine.  This area is only minutes from our house, and is largely untouched.  There are residential neighborhoods on both sides of the ravine, and people regularly walk down there, but the riparian habitat remains much as it always was.  The diversity of plant life down in the ravine, as compared to up on top, is amazing.  In our short little walk we saw dogwood, wild rose, gooseberry, high bush cranberry, choke cherry, saskatoon and mountain ash, just to name a few.  This was in addition to the common shrubs and trees found in the parkland above... aspen, birch and spruce.
The fall light of the early afternoon was very clear, and the leaves were in full color.  The water levels in the creek were very low, which allowed me to walk right out onto the gravel bar.  I shot with with my 4"x5" view camera on Ilford FP4 film.  I used a yellow filter to brighten the fall foliage and developed in Perceptol developer.  I think this one may be worth printing.

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