Friday, May 31, 2024

Found Image

I was digging through a bunch of negatives, looking for images to consider for the Apparitions project, when I came across this one.  I had kind of forgotten about it....
Arturo and I came across this old yard, up in Lamont County, when we were out exploring last summer.  The old house looks very much like many others that are found in our part of the world.  It is the spectacular sky that makes this image.  I shot this on my 4" x 5" view camera with the intention of cropping it to these panoramic proportions.
I shot this last summer, on June 26th 2023, at about 3:30 in the afternoon.  It was a sheet of Fuji Neopan Acros film, given N+1/2 Development in Rodinal Developer, 1:50.  I used a slightly long 210mm lens.

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