Friday, May 17, 2024

A Drive West on the David Thompson

On Monday May 13th Shawn and I made a quick trip up to the dump to get rid of some garbage, and then headed west on the David Thompson Highway.  We made a brief stop near the elbow of Abraham Lake and I dug out my view camera and took a photograph of some low clouds sweeping over the mountains.  After that we continued further west as far as Whirlpool Point.  
Along the way we saw a group of Bighorn Rams licking some winter salt off the highway.  Once we got to Whirlpool Point I pulled out the big camera again and took a few photographs there.  It was Shawn's first visit to the place and he really enjoyed it.  The skies were partly sunny, the breeze was light, and the temperature very pleasant.  Some showeres threatened a little, but it never really amounted to much.
On our way back to the cottage we made a stop along Abraham Lake and Shawn grabbed a couple of rocks for his flower beds back home.  We also stopped at Dry Haven Creek and checked out the campsite there.  Shawn wants to try to do a little tent camping this summer, and this place was on his radar.  There were some cool old timbers here from an abandoned highway bridge.
During our visit to the cottage there were some intense displays of the aurora borealis... but we didn't see any of them.  It seems we were never up at the right time of night, or we were too busy drinking beer and watching hockey, or it was too cloudy.
I did manage to get the address signs installed onto the gate at the guest cottage before we packed up and headed for home on Tuesday.  We made another lunch stop at James' Grill in Rimbey on the way home and got back to the city in the late afternoon.

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